Yongshun EDZ develops fast for investment attraction and thoughtful services

Jun Thu 2024
In recent years, Yongshun Economic Development Zone (Yongshun EDZ) in Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture has accelerated the construction of Furong Town Industrial Park and the Mengdonghe Industrial Park in the county seat.

While building a national demonstration zone for integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, a national modern agricultural industrial park and a demonstration zone for the processing and export of characteristic agricultural products in Wuling Mountain Area, it will establish a new industrial system for the development of biopharmaceuticals and characteristic agriculture, so as to achieve stable and healthy development of the park economy.

Attract investment to promote high-quality development of county economy

A number of high-quality enterprises and projects have settled in Yongshun EDZ, for which the park provides preferential policies.

Key projects are the cornerstone of industrial and economic development. Last August, a centralized signing ceremony for investment projects was held in Yongshun County, with 16 projects signed.

Among them, the Yongshun Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrial Park project is invested and built by Hunan Mingrui Pharmaceutical Company, with an investment of 500 million yuan.

It will consist of a medicinal plant planting base, a drug production workshop, a plant extraction workshop, a product research center, a Chinese herb study tour center, a Chinese herb exhibition center, a comprehensive office building and supporting facilities.

Once completed, it will further accelerate the development of the county’s biopharmaceutical industry cluster, and promote the high-quality development of the county’s economy.

With biopharmaceuticals and characteristic agricultural product processing as the leading industries, and labor-intensive enterprises of new building materials, light textiles, and electronics, as well as tourism services, e-commerce and modern logistics as supporting industries, Yongshun EDZ aims to create a characteristic industrial park.

Now, the park has 158 enterprises, 98 industrial enterprises and 62 enterprises above designated size.

Yongshun County focuses on empowering the high-quality development through high-level investment attraction. Based on the industrial positioning, precise investment promotion and industrial chain investment promotion were carried out.

In 2023, the park signed 13 projects with a contract investment of 5.45 billion yuan. It received about 1.79 billion yuan of domestic funds and 503,000 US dollars of foreign exchange funds last year, with a completion rate of 83%.

Improve services to create suitable environment for industrial development

In the workshop of Hunan Bencao Pharmaceutical Company in Furong Town Industrial Park of Yongshun EDZ, workers were busy packaging newly produced Santongshu capsules, which will be sent to various hospitals.

Since the project was introduced into the park in 2019, multiple subsidiaries of Mingrui Group, including Bencao Pharmaceutical and Mingrui Pharmaceutical, have settled in the park, and the pharmaceutical industrial cluster has taken shape.

The management committee of Yongshun EDZ has made efforts to provide considerate services and preferential policies for enterprises in the park to help them solve difficulties and problems.

An executive of the company said that thanks to a good business environment, the company has made significant progress. Next, the new massive health product production base of the company will be put into operation, which will make greater contributions to rural revitalization and the construction of beautiful Xiangxi.

As the business environment optimizes, more changes are taking place in industrial parks. Yongshun EDZ will increase its efforts at investment, construction, operation, development and other tasks to promote the high-quality economic development in the park.

Key projects like a pilot zone for integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, a characteristic agricultural product cold chain logistics base in Yongshun County, and a demonstration zone for undertaking industrial transfer in Yongshun County will be built in the park.

After these projects are completed, Yongshun EDZ can provide enterprises in the park with one-stop industrial ecological services.
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